• Global Commodities Trading


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    Empowering You To Do More

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    What We Do?

    Stay Ahead of the Curve

    Texcon safely, efficiently and reliably operates an integrated network of strategic assets that create and sell refined petroleum products, from feedstock acquisition to wholesale, commercial and retail sales outlets.


    Since our inception we have grown to gain a significant international presence as well as an excelling reputation in the oil industry. Over the many years of its existence, Texcon has developed a diverse, global customer base and an extensive network with strong long term relationships.


    By using our in-house market intelligence, we have been able to anticipate market trends as well as maintain a liquid capital structure. We are hence always able to provide competitive solutions.

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    A Winning Team

    Experience You Can Bank On!

    Texcon’s Producer Services team has over 25 years of combined crude oil marketing experience. Our team is currently purchasing over 50,000 bpd of crude oil and condensate from over 100 small to medium sized production companies.

    Our main objective is to increase long-term crude oil and condensate supplies at a competitive price. Our clients expect us to optimize wellhead values through detailed analysis and implementation of innovative transportation options, reduced quality differentials and tariff structures; as well as utilizing Risk Management Pricing tools.

    It is our belief that an extremely competitive market requires solid working relationships built with each client in order to maintain and increase volumes. It is the goal of Texcon’s Producer Services group to remain the first choice among the producing community by providing competitive and unique pricing structures, market intelligence, and outstanding customer service.


    Texcon is constantly striving to improve the quality of the products it supplies, in order to reduce the impact on the environment at every stage.


    Our in-depth understanding of the crude & oil products we supply and the complexities of the markets we operate in, gives us the ability to tailor our services to each customer’s specific needs. Our experienced team has the flexibility, efficiency and operational maturity to find new opportunities or solutions when customers need them most.


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    Gasoline continues to fuel most of the world’s car fleet; it is made by blending a number of refined products with this blend varying from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, depending on local requirements.

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    Middle distillates refers to a range of refined products situated between lighter fractions, such as LPG or gasoline, and heavier products such as fuel oil. Typically they include jet fuel, heating kerosene, gas and diesel oils, such as marine bunker fuels. Diesel is mainly used for transportation. Heating kerosene is processed for commercial and domestic heating, jet fuel is used to power the engines of commercial and military aircraft.

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    Naphtha refers to a range of volatile and flammable liquids produced by the distillation of petroleum. The liquids, which differ slightly in their chemical structures and boiling points, have various applications in the refining process – the main one as a feedstock for gasoline and the manufacture of olefins by the petrochemical industry.

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    LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is predominantly propane and butanes, either segregated or in various ratios and mixtures of each product. LPG is a by-product of crude oil production (Associated Gas) and a by-product of natural gas production (Non Associated Gas). It is also a by-product of the refinery process, transported mainly in pressurised vessels. Clean and safe, it serves as the fuel of choice whenever possible and financially feasible.

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    Fuel oil, which is the residue from distilling crude oil during the refining process, refers to a range of the least volatile and heaviest of the commercially used fuels. The heaviest part of the barrel, used for heavy industry, shipping and industrial plants. We are experts in blending different fuels to meet the demands of our customers.

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    Crude oil is a natural fossil fuel which, once refined, is used to create most of the energy sources used industrially and domestically, from gasoline and diesel to power vehicles, to jet fuel for aircraft and fuel for ships. It is also used widely in the production of chemical products such as pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilisers, pesticides and plastics.

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    Texcon is an active trader of the full range of crude types including condensate, light sweet, light and medium sours and several heavy grades.

    Texcon transacts at many of the major North American market hubs and can provide its customers with various programs including flexible pricing arrangements, product exchanges, physical storage programs and total supply management.


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    Shipping & Transportation

    A world leader in shipping services.

    Texcon is proud of its worldwide relationships which enable it to move oil almost anywhere around the globe. Our dedicated staff ensures that all is done with utmost professionality and dedication. Our logistics team operates seamlessly with our trading desks to manage freight exposures and to add safety and efficiency to our physical transactions. We regularly charter vessels of all sizes to transport our cargoes.

    We only make use of first class insurance companies granting us the necessary security for a smooth operation of the business. Chartering is done spot as well as on a contract for affreightment basis. Time charters are also regularly used.

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    Storage Services

    One of the Best in the Business.

    Oil storage, for both crude and products, is regularly used as a trading tool by our company. Oil storage facilities are made available to the trading desks through long term agreements with the best storage companies.

    Texcon currently holds significant storage capacity in the USA and Canada which is strategically placed to take advantage of flows from the USA to ARA, Med, Latam and South America as well as Asia Pacific regions.


    Working together for Success.


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    Our People

    You are only as good as your team​.

    Our employees come first. We recognize the tremendous value of our people, and are dedicated to making Texcon a great place to work – one that welcomes new ideas, encourages diverse perspectives and fosters a collaborative team environment.


    We hire the best people with a broad range of experiences and perspectives that enhance our ability to grow. Treating employees fairly and equitably by embracing and promoting a culture that values diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity. Rewarding employees in ways that encourage and recognize their individual accomplishments and contributions to business results. Providing employees with training programs to develop employees at all levels. Supporting employees with programs to enhance their health and well-being. Encouraging employees to actively serve and contribute in the community.

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    Texcon Community Investments

    We are all in this together.​

    Texcon has long been dedicated to being a socially responsible corporate citizen. By aligning our philanthropic investments in a way that serves our communities’ needs, harnesses our employees’ passions and interests and aligns with our business goals and objectives, we hope to create Shared Value for us and the communities where we operate.

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    Pipeline Safety

    ​We are extremely committed to pipeline safety.

    America depends on crude oil and a wide range of refined petroleum products to keep its economy running.


    Pipelines keep the fuel flowing, connecting our continent’s vast oil fields with the terminals and refineries that productize and distribute these essential resources.


    At Texcon, we are committed to conducting business in a manner that promotes the safety, health and security of those working and living in communities near our facilities, while protecting the environment and sustaining ecosystems.


    Part of our commitment to pipeline safety and security is providing the public, emergency officials, public officials, schools, excavators, farmers and others with relevant information.

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    Health & Safety

    A job worth doing is worth doing safely.

    Texcon members are committed to protecting the environment. Safety is important to all of us and is a core value for the natural gas and oil industry. We work tirelessly to improve safety practices through ongoing research, standards development, training, information sharing, and advocacy. We are committed to operating our business in a manner that promotes the health and safety of our employees, our customers and the communities where we do business. We strive to achieve an incident-free environment.


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    Safety Metrics

    Precaution​ leads to safety.

    Personal Safety – At Texcon, we strive to instill a culture of personal responsibility among our employees and contractors by setting clear expectations around our safety standards and policies. We conduct regular audits, assessments and program reviews to ensure these practices are being followed and to identify improvements to enhance our workplace safety.


    Process Safety – Texcon's facilities are designed, operated and maintained to be safe work environments. To maintain the integrity of our operating systems, we enforce a disciplined framework that includes comprehensive design, engineering, operating and maintenance practices. We use industry-recognized methodologies to assure process safety and asset integrity, and to reduce the risk of incidents.


    Transportation Safety – To safely operate our transportation facilities and assets – such as rail, trucks and pipelines – we rely on industry best practices, internal policies, and persistent evaluation and improvement. Texcon has proactively led the industry in the safe shipment of crude oil via rail. We worked collaboratively with tank car manufacturers to develop enhanced rail cars that surpass regulatory standards.